The transition from a QA to a Product Manager role, An insightful journey of how to become a product manager from QA


Mansi Gupta shares her transition from being QA to becoming a product manager at Quintype Technologies. Originally, she studied computer science and landed a job after graduation. Her interest in the business and product side led her to work for a startup where she discovered product management after when she started her journey with HelloPM.

We hosted Mansi Gupta as our Alumni of The Week, and she shared amazing insights on how she was able to transition from a QA role to a product management role

Challenges and Discoveries

She discusses the challenges of transitioning from a stable job as a tester to becoming a product manager. Shifting the focus from problem identification to taking action can be daunting. She shares her journey of researching the role, finding HelloPM, and appreciating the clear structure and comprehensive coverage of product management concepts in the course.

Potential for Diverse Backgrounds

Mansi emphasizes that individuals from various backgrounds, including sales, commerce, or marketing, have the potential to become product managers. Understanding the product, the problem, and the root cause is crucial, while technical knowledge is less important. Experience in customer success or account management, with an understanding of customer, business, and product problems, can be leveraged to become successful product managers.

Transitioning Strategies

She also discusses the struggle of transitioning from a testing role to product management but reassures that it is achievable. She suggests seeking opportunities within the organization for gaining experience, then branching out to small projects or pro bono work. Mansi highlights the value of the HelloPM program, which provided a foundation in product management, engaging assignments, and insights from professionals in the field.

Leveraging Past Experiences

She emphasizes the importance of simplicity and structure, which she found in the HelloPM program. Also, advises aspiring product managers to understand their motivations and leverage past experiences to build a strong resume. Exploring opportunities within the current organization and being patient and persistent in the job search is also recommended. Networking tools like LinkedIn and seeking guidance from industry professionals can provide valuable support.

Networking and Persistence

She shares her experiences with networking and the importance of leaving ego aside, persistence, and patience. Following up with contacts is crucial for building meaningful connections. The interview concludes with a rapid-fire round where Mansi shares her favorite apps, social media platforms, and email providers.

We hope that Mansi’s journey gave you a sneak peek into how even from a testing QA role you can kickstart your journey as a product manager. All you need is a structured approach, a community that can help, and a mindset.

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